Dear District 5750 Rotarians,
May in Oklahoma and around the World has been tumultuous.  Rotary International Director Beth Stubbs shared at our Hope in the Heartland Tri-district Conference last month that the Rotary International Board of Directors shared that is the most tumultuous time in the world that we have ever experienced.  Even as we were at the District Conference, about 60 miles away, Sulphur was hit by a deadly EF-3 tornado. 
Now more than ever, we need to Create Hope in the World.
On the way to this year’s 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore from May 25 to 29, one of my fellow District Governors was on the Singapore Airlines flight that experienced turbulence resulting in a broken neck and his wife suffered a broken back.   A committed Rotarian, he posted on Facebook that he hoped he would be well enough to still attend the convention!
We need to Create Hope in the World!
Attracting over 25,000 delegates from around the world, the International Conference at the Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre connected Rotarians and provided a platform for sharing insights on creating positive, lasting change in communities.
In the Opening Ceremony, prominent speakers like Graça Machel, Mozambican politician and humanitarian and widow of former President of Mozambique Samora Machel (1975–1986) and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela (1998-2013), and Rotary International President R. Gordon R. McInally, emphasized themes of equality, peace, and mental health.
McInally called on the convention participants to promote peace through their work with Rotary.
“We are an example of what a better world could be: one where people find common ground across their divides and common purpose in elevating humanity,” McInally said. “Through our service projects, our humanitarian efforts, and our systematic approach to peacebuilding and conflict resolution, we can be catalysts for positive change in the world.”
As Rotarians at levels of service in our Clubs, District 5750 and Zone, we have the amazing opportunity to lock arms and connect to the world in 2025 in Calgary, Canada, June 21-25, 2025. 
The Rotary International Convention is where you will find people of action from around the world brainstorming solutions to some of the most pressing challenges and celebrating our works of service that create lasting change.
The convention is where we renew connections, discover fresh perspectives, and create unforgettable moments and enduring relationships.  It is my encouragement that you attend if possible. 
Please be watching for some great highlights from this year’s convention in Singapore on the Rotary International website, social media and the “Rotary Magazine.”
Thank you for all you do to Create Hope in the World.
Yours in Rotary,
Jeanean Jones
The He Xin Lion & Dragon Arts Troupe performs at the opening general session of the 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore.
Upcoming Events
RI Convention 2024: Singapore
May 25, 2024 – May 29, 2024
South OKC Rotary Hosts Shane Morris
Hidden Trails Golf & Country Club
May 31, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jun. 02, 2024
Rotary Club of Edmond Trivia
Rankin YMCA
Jun. 05, 2024
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jun. 09, 2024
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jun. 16, 2024
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jun. 23, 2024
2024-25 District Governor Induction Ceremony
Hidden Trails Golf & Country Club
Jun. 28, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jun. 30, 2024
Weekly Rotary Rides
Wheeler Ferris Wheel
Jul. 07, 2024
View entire list
Registration Now Open
Click HERE to see all of the District Conference Photos
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Club Officers 2024-2025
Be sure you update your club officers by the end of May.  You should have received an email from Rotary International Data Services with instructions on how to do this.  If you have trouble, please reach out to
#oneday - District Wide Day of Service

Midtown Rotary member and 2023 - 24 Oklahoma City Public Schools Teacher of the Year, Felix Linden, held a district wide day of service called #OneDay on Friday, May 3.  More than 1,200 students from 12 middle schools throughout the OKCPS district participated in various community service projects. Projects ranged from cleaning their school grounds, donating canned goods, cleaning local parks and partnering with a community retirement home.  

“When we let kids do stuff, they won’t let you down,” Linden said.  Linden, who has been a Rotarian since 2018, has long held the view that service is the one thing that unites us across all demographics and backgrounds.  “When you see the star athlete working alongside the artsy kid, you see how a simple act of service can bring people together.”

Students were provided gloves and trashbags through a sponsorship with OKC Beautiful, a local non-profit, Minick Materials donated mulch to Roosevelt Middle School and The Big Event staff at the University of Oklahoma donated work gloves, rakes and shovels. In addition to this support, Midtown Rotary member Jim Hutson donated money to provide pizza lunch to the various locations and past Rotary District Governor, Marty Postic, helped fill the bellies of students at F.D. Moon Middle School. 

“Felix was a Rotarian before he joined Rotary and this #OneDay project is just testament to what he is trying to do to connect our clubs to the community. He should be commended for his efforts to create these opportunities,” said Postic.

With this successful program under Linden’s belt, the focus now turns to next year where the ultimate goal is to see #OneDay become a statewide day of service. “The Oklahoma Standard is really serving each other, Linden said.  We have to provide kids a chance to do that and the seeds of service we planted will yield fruit for years to come.” 

#OneDay 2025 is scheduled for Friday, May 2.

As I think of the many friends I have met and gotten to know through Rotary, it
always comes to my mind that some of my closest friends in Rotary are NOT
Southern Baptist as I was raised. My close friend, Mack Patel and our 2025 DEG,
is Hindu. My friend and SOKC member, Scott Nachatilo, is Jewish. My friend
and SOKC member, Rajah Manaf,, is Muslim.

Many years ago we had a kind gentle doctor in my Rotary Club. After several
years, he resigned. I visited him in his office and asked why he resigned. He said
that every Friday there was a prayer ending in Jesus’s name. He said that was not
his religion. One of the kindest, finest men that I have known, quietly hurt and
feeling excluded.

Many years ago when I attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, I interpreted
Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 5 and 6, and Matthew, Chapter 23, Verse 14, to be
pretty clear directions from Jesus. Prayer is a private conversation.

Rotary is not a religious or political organization, except in the ways that we bring
together people of many faiths and many walks of life to do “good works.” Let us
show our inner religion by being respectful and “fair to all concerned.” If the club
deems it necessary to have a “religious moment,” I ask that you consider a moment
of silence so that individuals can pray-or not- in their own way.

Thank you.
Jack L. Werner

Midwest City Rotary Interact Officers

These are the new board officers for Midwest City Interact 

From left to right
President - Lusia Tuiaana
Secretary - Jessiya Habel
President Elect - James Washburn
Senior Representative - Alyshes Jones
Junior Representative - Nefthali Macaraeg
Freshmen Representative -
Jonathan Rogers (not in picture)
Stillwater Frontier Rotary
Stillwater’s Frontier Rotary Club hosted U.S. Senator James Lankford as its speaker on April 25th.
Senator Lankford is pictured below flanked by Club President Shane Harland (left) and Rotarian-of-the Day Kevin Clark.
Mustang Rotary
Mustang Rotary club made their annual project visit to Toby Keith's, Kids Korral.  The club members and their families cleaned and completed necessary projects.
"The Toby Keith Foundation is a nonprofit in Oklahoma. The foundation's mission is to encourage the health and happiness of pediatric cancer patients and to support OK Kids Korral, a cost-free home for children with cancer."
Find out more info about this project at:
Ponca City Trailblazers Crawfest
Last year, when we launched our club, we aimed to find a signature fundraiser to support significant community projects. Led by the passionate and skilled cook and fellow member George Davis, we decided on a Crawfish boil, a unique event for our area. Thanks to the support of over 30 businesses and individuals, the event was a tremendous success. Special thanks to the Mid-West City Club for sharing insights from their recent Shrimp boil, and to JoAnna Blackstock with Bricktown Rotary for donating handmade earrings for our raffle. We raised just under $10,000, part of which will aid Sulphur Tornado victims through the District 5770 Foundation fund. We're proud of our dedicated members, many of whom brought spouses and friends to volunteer. In fact, one volunteer was so inspired they submitted a membership application!
Rotary Club of Edmond
The Rotary Club of Edmond has been busy serving the community. 
Rotarians helped field balls and encourage the players at Miracle League.  As the May Community Volunteer, Rotary Club of Edmond served at Heard on Hurd.  You could also spot Rotarians cleaning up their adopted section of Bryant in Edmond.  The club was honored to award 3 Edmond High School graduates with scholarships.
On June 5th, Rotary Club of Edmond is hosting their annual trivia fundraiser at Rankin YMCA.  Sign up and play to win.
Click here to register as an individual and be assigned to a team.
Bricktown Rotary Contributions:
Upcoming Events and Community Efforts

**Teem Ministries Hygiene Bags**
Bricktown Rotary is proud to support Teem Ministries by donating hygiene bags to individuals on their first day out of incarceration. This initiative helps provide essential items and a sense of dignity to those transitioning back into the community.

**Salvation Army Drive**
Join us on June 10th at Rococo on Western from 4-6pm for our Salvation Army Drive. We are collecting fans to help those in need during the hot summer months. You can bring fans to the event or send donations to Bricktown Rotary, and we will purchase the fans on your behalf.
**Polio Plus**
Bricktown Rotary has 100% participation in Polio Plus

Your support and contributions make a significant difference in our community. Thank you for being a part of these impactful efforts!
May 2024 Teacher of the Month

In cooperation with the Mayor's office and City Council, the Rotary Club of Okla. City recognizes an outstanding teacher in our community.

Sherry Dew serves as a Social Studies teacher and AVID Coordinator at Southeast High School. 

Sherry Dew was presented with a certificate of recognition as well as a $500 gift from the Rotary Club 29 Foundation and a $500 gift from the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation in partnership with the American Fidelity Foundation.