Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Rotary District 5750 supports the great work of 32 active community-based clubs with nearly 1,700 Rotarians.  In addition to our clubs’ amazing and impactful work, our District also promotes incredible programs that enrich lives near and far. To find out more, check out to find a club near you or peruse our club directory in the menu above to visit your nearest club this week!

The Vacant Club

I have visited Rotary Clubs in multiple states and around our district, for many years. It has surprised me how many times I have experienced no meetings and no NOTICE. Most of the time Rotary was doing a project off site but no information was posted.

In Wimberley, Texas, I went to the EMS Center where Rotary meets (a very nice meeting room) and the Superintendent of Schools showed up wanting to join Rotary. Nothing was posted and thirty minutes of phoning couldn’t track down where the project was taking place. Alva, Okla, Gage, North OKC Rotary…..I have “attended” all of these clubs when they WERE NOT meeting or at least not meeting on site.

Please, consider, at a minimum, posting a LARGE TYPED notice saying you are not meeting here today and where you are meeting. Also, please let Amy Hollas know if you don’t meet on the fifth Wednesday or now you only meet the first and third Thursday, etc

I close with this: Have you ever been in a hotel or department store and asked where to find……?  Were you pleased and impressed like I was, when the staff member said, “Let me take you there.”?

Just a thought, wouldn’t it be gracious on those days that our meeting is moved, if a Rotarian volunteered to stay on the original site from ten minutes before and after the scheduled meeting time, just to greet those unexpected visitors?
Think about what you might be willing to do.

Thank you.

Jack Werner, DG

Join Rotary’s pledge to eradicate Polio worldwide...The Polio Plus Society is a group of Rotarians who have committed to giving $100 per year until the world has been declared free of the wild polio virus...We’re 99.9% there!
Thanks to all that created the passion to launch the Polio Plus Society. I am excited to join a group of dedicated Rotarians in District 5750 that will End Polio Now!
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