As we reach the half-way point of our Rotary year, a few reminders for your club:
  1. Clubs should be in the process of identifying their 2022-23 Officers and Directors. The submission of those elected persons are due to Rotary International by January 31, 2022. 
  2. Rotary International and District 5750 will assess your second half dues on January 1, 2022. Please be sure to clean up your roster in Rotary International's database by end of day on December 31, 2021. Any person listed as a member on January 1, 2022 will be assessed dues and billed to your club. 
  3. Please be sure to inform your President-elect of the upcoming Mid-America President Elect Training Seminar (MAPETS) March 24-26 in Springdale, AR so they can plan to be in attendance. Registration is now available: