District Grants

District Grants Chair & Co-Chair
Ashley Smith
Oklahoma City
Jessica Estep
Committee Members: Emily Duncan Belusko, Lyndle Smith, Sr., Mike Lorenz, Matt Murphy
District grants provide an opportunity for Rotarians to use District Designated Funds (DDF) to undertake projects in their own communities or in other countries. The administration of the program is by the Grants Committee of District 5750.
The District will match on a 2-for-1 basis, so you can extend your club dollars for a worthy community project near you or even abroad.
The process is straightforward and the 3 primary forms that need to be submitted have been consolidated into the grant application, which can be found on the left side of this page.
The 3 forms are:
District Grant Application – Complete the application and secure 2 signatures. Instructions are provided in the document. Remember, the club must contribute at least 1/3 of the total grant amount. So, if a project amounted to $3,000, the club would need to provide $1,000 and the district would typically award $2,000. Be sure to provide evidence of estimated costs, such as an estimate from a vendor or a screenshot of an online merchant.
Club Memorandum of Understanding – simply have the current president and the president-elect sign the last page.
Club Financial Management Plan Template – Enter your club name (including both locations) and date on the first page.
Other club qualification requirements:
At least 2 members must participate in grants training each year. If your club was not able to participate in the grants training last fall, you can still take the online training here.
Support The Rotary Foundation at least $50 per member.
Submit final reports for all open district grants from prior years. If the grant is not yet complete, a progress report is needed.
Maintain a grant bank account to receive and expend all grant funds.