Contact Information:
Chair: Brenna Merritt, brenna.meritt.rotary@gmail.com
Please have students click on "APPLICATIONS" Above to fill out the application. On this page, there is also a video for them about RYLA as well as more information. To access the application, they should click the “APPLY NOW” button. Once they’ve submitted the application, they will receive a confirmation email. When applications come in for you, you will receive an invitation to a shared Google folder. PDFs of all of your applications will appear in your folder as they come in.
Once you’ve selected your students, please send a quick email to brenna.meritt.rotary@gmail.com with the names of your students.
Students will not be considered fully sponsored until all funds have been received.
Checks may be made out to RYLA. Please also include a note with the funding with the names of the students and whether they are Campers or Trailblazers. If your club would like to sponsor students that have applied but do not have sponsors, please indicate that the funds are to be used for unsponsored Campers or unsponsored Trailblazers. Once students are fully sponsored, they will receive an acceptance letter with information about the retreat.
As always, feel free to text, email, or call if you have any questions. Looking forward to another fantastic year!!!
Brenna and the RYLA Crew
Rotary Youth Leadership Award
Rotary District 5750